Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Max Joseph Platz

This square in Munich has been designed in 1820s by architects Karl von Fischer and Leo von Klenze. In the center of the Max Joseph Platz there is a monument dedicated to the first Bavarian king - Maximilian I Joseph who did a lot for his country.

During his reign the first Bavarian constitution has been accepted which was also the first constitution in the Germany. (Bavaria was the separate state in 19 century). As the Max Joseph Platz the statue also has been designed by the Fischer and Klenz.

National Bavarian Theater at the Max Joseph Platz in Munich

In front of the statue you can find the National Bavarian Theater which you can visit on the one ticket with the Residence. This ticket will not allow you to visit evening performance; to do this you will need to buy another one.

Theater has form of Greeke temple with interior designed in Classical style. It became known in the world thanks to the performances of Wagnerian operas. For example, it was the place were Tristan und Isolde has been performed first time.

Also Max Joseph Platz is circled by a lot of pubs were you can test traditional Bavarian food and beer. I think that after you visit the Residence you will find themselves happy by sitting in one of the local pubs.

Mounumnet of Maximilian I Joseph

You can find a lot of pubs inside of these buildings