Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kloster Indersdorf

This abbey originates from the 11 century. It was founded by the Augustinian monks on the banks of the Glonn River. Of course almost nothing is left from the original building, only a few vestiges of the 11th century basilica can been seen as a part of the new church.

In the 18 century Kloster Indersdorf has been rebuilt in the Rococo style by designs of the Italian architect Antonio Riva.

Photo „Markt Indersdorf - Kloster - Panorama“ von Guido Radig - Eigenes Werk. Lizenziert unter CC BY 3.0 über Wikimedia Commons

Inside of the church you can see such art works as the paintings of scenes of the life of the Saint Augustine which were completed in the middle of the 18 century.

Photo „Markt Indersdorf Orgel“ von Mtag - Eigenes Werk. Lizenziert unter CC0 über Wikimedia Commons