Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Palazzo Piccolomini

If in Siena you go further on Banchi di Sotto you will face Renaissance Palazzo Piccolomini which has been designed by Bernardo Rossellino for Pope Pius II. You very easy recognize the building because on its façade there is Pius’s coat of arms which holds almost all of its space.

Today Palazzo Piccolomini holds city’s archive - Archivio di Stato – which with its thousands of undiscovered texts is a real paradise for those who are interested in medieval history.

I advise you do not miss the inner yard of Palce from which you can see very rare view of Campo.

Palazzo Piccolomini. Photo provided by the Sailko under CC BY 3.0 license
And of course visit the Museo delle Tavolette di Biccherna where you can see old books and manuscripts. Most of them are accounting and taxes record. And most interesting part of the museum is so-called Tavolette, exhibition of wooden painted panels which had used to adorn the books.

Among the these paintings note the works of Sano di Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti whose works you probably saw on the walls of Palazzo Pubblico. Also notice who these paintings evolved. If their earlier versions depict more religious themes older more dedicated to the secular life. And notice that most of the paintings have on their background depicted Siena with the Virgin.

Palazzo Piccolomini. Photo provided by the Sailko under CC BY 3.0 license

The Sienese demolish the fortress of the Spanish 1552. Panel in Palazzo Piccolomini